Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Ride

Yesterday was a nice day in Santa Monica for a beach path ride. The weather was in the 40s to start, and it warmed up nicely into low 60s in the mid day.

In Santa Monica beach path was fairly sand free. Once I got over to Venice area there were many sand drifts on the path, you had to be careful not to wipe out.

When I came to L.A. river, I rode inland (I was meeting my buddy for a ride, he comes from that direction). Once I ran into him, we turned back and rode west, then south towards Redondo Beach.

Once we reached Redondo Beach, we turned around and went back. My buddy had an early lunch engagement.

While on the path, I saw several 'bents. I saw 2 gentlemen on Rans Rockets, I saw a guy on a trice trike, and a couple on an eBike tandem. I talked to them for a moment, wished them happy Thanksgiving and pushed back towards home.

There some ride stats according to B.icycle app for iphone:

Trip time: 02:36:24
Distance: 27.8 mi
Average speed: 10.7 mph
Max speed: 19.2 mph
Climbed altitude: 778 ft
Total experience: Priceless

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