I have been fortunate enough to spend time living in India.
Living outside the bubble can be very refreshing and an eye opening experience.
Bicycles here still play major role in transportation. On bicycles milkman delivers milk, construction worker brings piece of iron, vegetable seller distributes the greens.
Although there are other modes of transport available, nothing is as affordable and efficient as bicycle.
There are 4 wheel carts made here that use bicycle wheels. Many things are sold from these carts. Bicycle technology is everywhere.
Five years ago I did not see any bicycles other than a sinlge speed models. Now I see derailer mountain bikes, but they are not too popular. Why? I think because of maintenance required. The environment here is extremely dusty in dry season, and wet and muddy during the monsoon. The open derailers just can't cope with the conditions. Items for Indian market need to be simple, strong and reliable. And even then they fail - so the maintenance should be simple too.
I think if costs were low enough, India could benefit from internal gear hubs
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